May 24 (diary)

well uh hi
congrats for figuring out the "puzzle" to get here
unless you type the link in manually lol
s so why am i hiding it in this weird way?
well i nuked the old diary section of the website so i didn't really have anywhere else to put this
and hiding the link like this makes it easier to feel like this is a "secret" even if its the most obvious thing ever
its may
today is the last day of my high school and it is really making me feel sad
l like i
im obviously not going to say /which/ so i dont get doxxed but
it was really special...
i probably shouldnt be feeling so upset
you gotta grow up sometime
but im still going to miss it a lot a lot
and everyone there
not that i got invited to stuff outside school but
they were..nice
it was nice to just hang out
and now its gone and i have to go away to college
im scared

t the comic will still continue i just umm
wont upload tomorrow either
its the only real project i could keep going im not going to let graduating ruin it for me
this whole thing is just comfort art anyways idk if thats a real thing but fk
well uh
im hopefully not going to have to write another essay like this
even if nobody will actually read it ;)
i just needed to put it out somewhere and stuff..
well uhh thanks for listening to my unhinged rant
heres a goofy drawing to make up for it

-candycane, your friendly neighborhood slime lover
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