writing prompts derived from

assorted random blog posts can be found here
Mar 3 (written Mar 16)
write about something you wonder if others do, too
theres always another day
the pain of today
the lack of work
theres always another day
to shine
not every hit is a home run
not every bowl is a strike
not every dart is a bullseye
its ok to just be
make terrible art
dump out whatever is on your mind
like this
is it even a poem
who cares
its mine
and no amount of perfectionism
can take away that its mine
the doubt will begin again tomorrow
push through
youll find a way
Feb 24 (written Mar 3)
write about a system in the world around you. it could be an economic or political system, the water cycle or the solar system. explore the connection between things in a ‘closed’ circuit. they aren’t really that closed, are they?
the bits go on, then off, in rhythm.
the electricity courses through each of them
they only respond to each other
only see the bits around it
respond with pre destined responses
following the basic logic
a bit is useless
many are powerful
bits are the atoms of the computing world
idk where im going with this
Feb 17 (written Feb 23 im sorry about procastinating) write something that pulls from both a childhood memory (or something nostalgic to childhood) and a recent memory! explore how the two connect and differ
The woods have always fascinated me in some way, I don't know why. The idea of just having a little shack in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by wildlife, is mystifying. Of course, it could just be a stupid city boy (suburb) who is fascinated by the IDEA of being out in the woods but in actuality would die in them very fast and be miserable the whole way through, but
un(?)fortunately, I don't actually live anywhere near the woods. The closest thing would be a nature preserve a half hour from my house, and that darn thing I bike rode up quite often, partially as an excuse to get out of the house since my parents complained a lot about me constantly being on the computer knock on wood, but I really did like feeling "lost in the woods", even if only for like an hour.
Anyway, after we moved last time and I grew up some, I haven't been back to that place. But, what I DID do was end up going to Minnesota on a family trip to visit my brothers friend. That was REAL woods, and I actually did enjoy being out there. The house was nice and cozy, they still had internet and stuff, and we got to drove tractors.
What is the point of all this? HELL IF I KNOW, I'm just reminiscing randomly to hopefully count as completing this stupid prompt.
Feb 10 (written Feb 16) think of a lyric that's been on your mind/stuck in your head recently (and if you don't have any, then just feel free to look for one that resonates right now) and write something based on it!
"You know, you used to shine so bright / Was it all reflected light? / Were you just a satellite?" -Satellite Orchestra, Dan Warren
Silence. The city was too far away for the noise to reach all the way out here. Only the flickering of lights could be seen in the cover of night, drowned out by the stars. Moonlight shone down meekly, illuminating the small pond in front of me. The grass sunk into my back. Insects chirped and skittered, animals hidden by the shadowing trees.
The warmth of the forest felt far more natural than the stage I came from. The money was good, sure, but it wasn't MY ambition. I was dragged in. My bestest friend is energetic, but struggled to keep to any projects. It was a miracle they hit it off, then they went off on some other stupid thing their eye caught, leaving me with the bag to continue our little gig. I didn't have the energy to do it, everything collapsed, and now I'm here.
I haven't seen them in a long time.
Feb 3 (written Feb 4)
write a myth that's relevant to your life. it can be in a more traditional form, take on a modern tone-- be a retelling or an entirely new piece. have fun with it! what makes a myth?
Long before the age of man, animals ruled the lands. Each knew their place in the world, and everyone was happy. Except one. Single. Fox. This fox, for reasons unknown, this fox admired the myriad of other, more talented, animals around them. They tried to join them, poorly mimicking the things the others did, but this only resulted in them and everyone around them being hurt. One person simply cannot do everything, but the stupid fox couldn't get that into their mind and kept trying fruitlessly for eternity.
Jan 27
think about something that's physically overwhelming to you (in a good, bad, or neutral way) and write about it! this could be anything-- rollercoasters, concerts, sex, being sick, taking showers, going to the mall, or just being in a windy place
I didn't belong here. This